Methods That Can Be Done With Items Already in Your Household

at 5:17 PM

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Simple Tissue Diffusion
• Place 3-4 drops of essential oil on a tissue. Place the tissue near you. As movement occurs in the room (i.e. as you move or as someone walks by), you will notice the aroma.
• Advantages:
This method can be used anywhere and is quickly transportable.
• Disadvantages:
This method does not emit much aroma into a room.

Steam Diffusion
• Boil 2 cups of water. Pour the water into a bowl and add up to 10 drops of oil to the water. Use fewer drops if you are using an oil that may cause irritation to your mucous membranes (i.e. cinnamon, eucalyptus, rosemary, pine, thyme, cajuput, etc.). Use of energizing or relaxing oils can make this method useful any time of day or night. The steam will heat the oils and cause them to evaporate quickly into the room.
• Advantages: This method will quickly diffuse the oils into a room.
• Disadvantages: The aroma is not exceptionally long-lasting. Additionally, the heat may alter or destroy certain constituents of the oils and thus the therapeutic benefit may not be as optimal as using cold-air diffusion methods.

Candle Diffusion
• Light a candle and allow it to burn for about 5 minutes. Extinguish the candle, place 1 drop of essential oil in the melted wax (not on the wick!) and then relight the candle. Essential oils are highly flammable, so great care must be used.
• Advantages: This method can be used most anywhere that a candle may be used.
• Disadvantages: Essential oils are flammable, so great care must be used. The aroma is not long-lasting. The heat may alter or destroy certain constituents of the oils and thus the therapeutic benefit may not be as optimal as using cold-air diffusion methods.